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Sermons and Expositions, verse by verse through books of the Bible or topical


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Sermons and Expositions, verse by verse through books of the Bible or topical



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Special Ed: Jesus the God/Man, 1 Thess 4:13-18, Philippians 21-24, 2 Cor 5:1-8

The paradox concerning Jesus is that He is both God and human (man) at once. Beyond our ability to grasp this, however, it is clearly laid out in the Scripture, both Old and New Testaments. We see this in His miracles and in His death on the cross.


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Mark #48: Jesus Is Buried & The Resurrection Mark, 15:42–16:8

Joseph of Arimathea asked Pilate for the body of Jesus so that he might bury Him. Given permission, Joseph wrapped Jesus’ body in a linen shroud. Jesus was then buried. This was on a Friday. Saturday went by, then on Sunday morning early, some of Jesus’ women followers were shown His empty tomb.


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MARK #47: The Death of Jesus Mark, 15:33–41

At noon, Jesus has been on the cross now 3 hours, all went dark until 3pm. Six hours He was on that cross. Following His last breath, the curtain of the temple was torn in two. Mark reports that there were several women close by who witnessed Jesus’ death.


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MARK# 46: Jesus Is Mocked & The Crucifixion, Mark 15:16–32

Roman soldiers treat Jesus so very cruelly now that Pilate has allowed His execution. Taking Jesus to the site of where a cross awaited Jesus, and He along with two others sentenced to death, Jesus is placed upon the cross.


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MARK #45: Jesus Delivered to Pilate; Pilate Delivers Jesus to Crucified, Mark 15:1–15

Only Pilate, the Roman procurator or chief authority, could have Jesus put to death, thus it was necessary for Jesus’ opponents to bring Him to Pilate, who then allows Jesus to be crucified.


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MARK #44: Peter Denies Jesus, Mark 14:66–72

Having gained entrance into the high priest’s house, Peter denies to one of the high priest’s servant girls that he knows Jesus. Then comes the same accusation by other “bystanders.” Then, as Jesus predicted, a rooster crows a second time. Peter was then overcome with grief.


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Mark #43: Jesus before the Council, Mark 14:53–65

Having been captured in the Garden, Jesus is brought first before Annas, the retired high priest, then Caiaphas, the present high priest, who accuses Jesus being a blasphemer and thus worth of death.


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MARK #42: Betrayal & Arrest of Jesus and A Young Man Flees, Mark 14:43–52

While in the Garden of Gethsemane, on the Mount of Olives, the Jewish leaders arrest Jesus, with a kiss from Judas, and Jesus is led away. However, a young man, identified as Mark, the author of this Gospel, must flee from Jesus’ captors.


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MARK #41: Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial/Jesus Prays in Gethsemane, Mark 14:26–42

Leaving Jerusalem, Jesus leads His disciples onto the Mount of Olives and warns them that they will all fall away from Him, meaning not stand with Him, and He then tells Peter directly that he will fall away, which he denies, and the rest of them (10) say the same.


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Mark #40: Passover With Disciples & Institution of The Lord’s Supper, Mark 14:12-25

On the evening prior to His crucifixion, Jesus, in an unknown location in Jerusalem, celebrates the deliverance from Egypt (Passover) with His disciples, and His followers down through the ages have done the same.


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MARK #39: Plot Kill Jesus, Jesus Anointed Bethany, Judas betray Jesus,Mark 14:1–11

Two days prior to the crucifixion, religious leaders plan to kill Jesus, but not during the upcoming feasts; Jesus at Bethany is anointed by a woman with expensive perfume; and Judas Iscariot connects with the religious leaders on how to kill Jesus.


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MARK #38: Lesson of Fig Tree & No One Knows That Day or Hour, Mark 13:28–37

Jesus uses a commonly understood process of a fig tree bearing fruit to speak of the ending of the age and His return. Yet, no will know when this will occur.


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Mark #37: Abomination of Desolation/Coming of the Son of Man, Mark 13:14–27

(Second time on this passage) Just a brief time before Jesus’ crucifixion Jesus informs His disciples about the ending of the universe and His return to gather His followers up into heaven.


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Mark #36: The Lesson of the Fig Tree & No One Knows Day or Hour, Mark 13:28–37

Jesus uses a commonly understood process of a fig tree bearing fruit to speak of the ending of the age and His return. Yet, no will know when this will occur.


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MARK #26: The Request of James and John, Mark 10:35–45

On the way to Jerusalem, brothers James and John, via their mother, request of Jesus that they have positions of power when Jesus comes into His kingdom. Jesus then speaks of what it is to be a slave in His kingdom.


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MARK #35: Abomination of Desolation/Coming of the Son of Man, Mark 13:14–27

Just a brief time before Jesus’ crucifixion Jesus informs His disciples about the ending of the universe and His return to gather His followers up into heaven.


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MARK #34: Signs of the End of the Age, Mark 13:3–13

It is now just a couple of days before the crucifixion, and Jesus speaks with four of His disciples about the ending of the age, that moment when Jesus returns.


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MARK #33: Beware Scribes, Widow Offering, Destruction Temple, Mark 12:38–13:2

Within a very short period before Jesus’ crucifixion, He warns against the hypocrisy of the scribes, then, in the Temple area near the places where money was given for the Temple’s upkeep, He sees a widow give all she has, and then foretells the destruction of that very Temple.


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Mark #32: The Great Commandment & Whose Son Is the Christ?, Mark 12:28–37

A scribe (lawyer) asks Jesus which commandment is the most important. The man is satisfied with Jesus’ answer, and Jesus responds to him very favorably. Then Jesus speaks to an issue regarding King David and the person of the Messiah.
